Questions about KAILEY and Kerry

.Can you please tell us a little about yourself?

Originally from Kent, I’m a writer, theatre producer and facilitator based in Bradford. I come from a working-class family and the first person in my family to go to Uni and work in the arts. I now work as a facilitator at Freedom Studios in Bradford where I run Youth Theatre and I facilitate the Young Writers sessions and outreach sessions in both primary and secondary schools across Bradford. As a producer, I self-produce and on placement at Sheffield Theatres. As for writing, I mainly write for theatre and now dipping my toes into writing for TV.

.Can you please give us a short summary of the writing process of KAILEY?

Before writing KAILEY, I carried out a 14 month research period which included interviews with people who had lived experiences of parental imprisonment. For me, this was a really important part of the process. Even though the play is based on my own experiences, it doesn’t mean my experience is the same for everyone. I wanted to ensure it was authentic as possible to young people and their experiences.

I also worked with Tess, not only did she direct the play but she was the most amazing dramaturg who really helped me to make sure the storylines were the best they could be. She really brought the best out of the play and it was amazing having some fresh eyes on Kailey. Also it took 14 drafts of KAILEY to get it right for the production. Partly because I’m a perfectionist and really hard on myself but also because sometimes it genuinely does take time to develop complex characters and plot.

.What inspired you to write KAILEY?

KAILEY is inspired by my teenage experiences of parental imprisonment. When I was 17, both of my parents were sentenced to prison. As a direct result of this, I had to drop out of school, leave the family home and my whole life changed. There was very little support and it was a really difficult time for me. When I got into theatre, i noticed there were lots of tv series, plays and books about being in prison which is just as valid but none of the experiences of families and children on the outside. So I decided I wanted to write it myself to highlight the lack of support for young people.

.What was the biggest challenge in writing KAILEY?

 I would say the redrafting! It’s so challenging redrafting after a set of notes! Don’t get me wrong it’s rewarding but so tiring redrafting the script.

.What was your favourite experience in writing KAILEY?

Probably hearing the actors read it for the first time. There’s something so special hearing it come to life and the feeling is indescribable.

.How long has it taken for KAILEY to be from pen to stage?

It’s been a really long process and all in all it’s taken 4 years to get KAILEY on the stage. The reason being is that I always wanted to do it ‘properly’ so ensuring that everyone gets paid properly and to work with a professional team. Therefore it did take a long time to secure the funding to make this happen. Also another reason was that I wanted to take my time to develop the script to make it the best it could possible be.

.Please describe the emotions you felt when KAILEY was first performed?

I was so so nervous and felt super vulnerable like I was bearing my soul. That feeling didn’t go until the very last show either.

.What are the future plans for KAILEY?

The plan is to (fingers crossed) tour it nationally next year! I need to get secure more funding which is terrifying but also so exciting to ride the wave it’s now created.


.Who or what are is your biggest inspiration?

I love music. I have to listen to music every day otherwise I just don’t feel right and I have such a varied taste. I love grime, folk, drum n bass, indie and RnB! When writing, I love listening to movie scores such as Lord of the Rings, The Batman and Pirates of the Caribbean. I know this sounds cheesy but I’m really inspired by Beyonce as I’m in awe of how she is her own boss and so involved in every aspect of her creative career and I was really inspired by her work ethic when working on KAILEY.

.What was one of the greatest books you’ve ever read?

Such a hard question but the one that comes to mind is The Color Purple by Alice Walker

.Do you have a favourite quote and if so what is it?

I love a good quote and my current phone lock screen is:

‘Be brave, be different. Just be you and be consistent’ – Ghetts


Why do you write?

I write because I love creating different worlds and I find it really cathartic. I try and write what I feel is needed now and shows a different outlook of the world. I have a huge imagination so it helps me channel that.

Had you ever written any plays or Novels before writing KAILEY?

Lots of short plays!

My short play ‘THIRD EYE’ exploring complex family relationships with a magical twist was performed as part of Art at the Arms at The Constitutional and Seven Arts in Leeds. My radio play SUCH IS LIFE was developed as part of the Dream Reality Radio Scheme and was performed at Leeds Playhouse’s Furnace Festival 2021. I was awarded an Arts Council DYCP grant to explore working-class female voices within my writing. I was a writer on Freedom Studios’ Street Voices 8 where my short play POUND TWENTY was part of a live-streamed shar

Are you currently working on another up and coming play?

Not yet but I have an idea in the back burner – again exploring my own experiences again. I am keen to write a story exploring sibling grief as it’s often overlooked and it’s so complex and I just feel it’s a story needed now.

Are you planning on publishing in the future?

I hope so!

What are your general plans for the future?

I’m going to be pursuing a career in producing. I’ve just been successful in getting a placement at Sheffield Theatres which is so exciting. I’m not stopping writing or anything like that but keen to create another income stream and also to develop my current skill set so I put on even bigger plays in the future!


What would you recommend to be essential to any writer?

Being a writer and pursuing writing is a lifestyle, you have to live and breath it. You need to be so motivated and have so much belief in yourself because rejections are a massive part of the job and sometimes it’s super tiring getting them and feeling like no one has your back. But trust yourself and your process and if you keep at it, you will succeed – I believe in you!

What tips would you give to an aspiring writer?

•Reach out to companies/organisations/artists and network not for work but to get to know people. Big orgs aren’t the be all and end all

•Apply for everything and anything (within reason)

-BBC Writersroom Opportunities

The Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting

•Read and watch theatre plays (watching online counts!)

•Trust the process and take your time! Don’t give up you need to keep going despite rejections and anything that comes your way.

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