Tag: novel

  • Title: Where the Heart Should Be.

    Author: Sarah Crossan.

    Publisher: Bloomsbury.

    Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Poetry-verse and Young adult.

    ‘Where The Heart Should Be’ can be accurately described as a miscellany of a victorian era event woven into Ireland’s history while being presented in a modern and innovative writing style, separating itself from society’s normalities. Upon collecting the novel, I was unsure as to its intensions due to its short blurb which left a heavy dosage to the imagination. However, after shortly finishing this novella I had received knowledge regarding the repercussions of  the ‘Irish Potato Famine’.

    The Novel’s exposition greets us with our protagonist Ellen Quinn. A teenage girl who is living in Ireland in July 1846 shortly before the Irish potato famine crisis reachers her family. As the novella develops we experience love, loss and an overwhelming captivation to discover its ending.

    The writing is definitely simplistic and this is highlighted further by the structure of the books

    poem-esque technique, constructing short and easy to digest chapters. This is effective in making the book a short and pleasurable read but in all honesty this contradiction can result in gaps of knowledge, causing confusion. A final issue regarding the book was that sometimes the story can emit the emotion of emptiness since some pivotal moments come across hollow or eviscerated of context. Most notably towards the denouement of the novella where the protagonists romance, once forbid appears to be accepted which in my opinions wouldn’t be a reality. Which can indicated the novels rapidness can also result in a lack of clarity and inaccuracy, leaving a feeling that the author prioritises are directed at a hurried ending. My personal advice would be improving certain interactions and developing Ellen’s internal monologues, to remove the problem of its murkiness and rushed feeling throughout.

    Although this book is not one of my preferred genres, I wouldn’t discourage anyone from choosing this unique novel as I can certainly view someone else enjoying this writing style, displaying itself as a clear individual within the world’s multitudinous library.